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Social Media Can Be Brutal

I know we have all seen situations when social media can lead to real life trauma including loss of life. We see this on the news or someone’s Facebook page that tells the story of online bullying and shaming. I actually experienced the cruelty of others personally this week. We have been trying to start recording tik tok videos to reach a broader audience for Tor’s Tales. It has been a steep learning curve and admittedly the first ones were not great. (In all honesty, I had to talk Maddie into making the first video because she wasn’t feeling good & frankly we didn’t know what we were doing.) But we recorded a couple & I let them loose on...

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When Memories Are Different Than Reality

I was sitting down reading a book one day when my son comes up to me to say how something was on his mind but he wasn't really sure that he wanted to tell me about it.  I assured him that whatever he had to say was ok.  I would listen to him no matter what.  But what he said actually surprised me; not necessarily for what he said but for his comment on why he was hesitant to say anything to me.  He started by saying, "I know you think Victoria was perfect and did nothing wrong but I saw things that weren't so perfect that she did and I guess I am just wrestling with that now as...

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Staying connected in this isolating time

These are challenging times for sure.  We are all seeing and doing things we never thought 6 months ago we would be doing.  But how do we balance our physical safety with our mental safety? I think this is an ongoing question with some simple yet effective answers.   Physical safety is important.  Please take this pandemic seriously.  It is real and it is causing real physical harm and in some cases death to real people around the world.  Wear a mask when out in public.  Only go out of the house when necessary and try to group errands together to eliminate extra trips.  Hugs have to be put on hold for now (and I am a hugger so this is...

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